School of Architecture N.T.U.A. | Σχολή Αρχιτεκτόνων Ε.Μ.Π
Architectural Design 9, 2015-16 | Αρχιτεκτονικός Σχεδιασμός 9, 2015-16
Faculty: A. Vozani, A. Kourkoulas, T. Pagonis | Διδ. Ομάδα: Αριάδνη Βοζάνη, Ανδρέας Κούρκουλας, Θάνος Παγώνης
Teaching Assistants: A. Chazapis, A. Koumpouli, E. Savvidis | Επικουρικό Διδακτικό Έργο: Αλεξάνδρα Κούμπουλη, Ευτύχιος Σαββίδης, Αντώνης Χαζάπης

Σάββατο 7 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Positioning the Green Line of Cyprus as a Third Landscape

...this landscape has escaped the construction boom on both sides of the Green Line, meadows have recovered from contamination with pesticides and artificial fertilisers, hillside forests have been preserved and wildlife has been allowed to flourish. The Green Line is now really "green" and has become a haven for wildlife and biodiversity.

...Gilles Clement is a pioneer landscape architect who coined the concept of the "Third Landscape" as the sum of the space left over by human to landscape evolution -to nature alone- forming a privileged area of receptivity to biological diversity that is considered as the genetic reservoir of the planet, the space for the future. 

[αποσπάσματα από το "Stitching the Buffer Zone. Landscapes, Sounds and Trans Experiences along the Cyprus Green Line"Anna Grichting Solder, Maria Costi de Castrillo, Stephanie Keszi, Georgia Frangoudi, 2012]

σελίδες 22+26 "Stitching the Buffer Zone"
third landscape:

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